Jurassic World Evolution Wiki
Jurassic World Evolution Wiki
Jurassic World Evolution Wiki
Update 1
Update 1.5
Update for JurassicWorldIcon

Free Update for Jurassic World Evolution

Update 1.5 was the third free major update for Jurassic World Evolution, released alongside the Secrets of Dr. Wu DLC on November 20, 2018. It included group behavior, sleeping, a dynamic day-night cycle, new contracts, high capacity feeders, and a variety of other minor changes and fixes.[1]

Release Notes[]


  • Added group behavior 
    • Dinosaurs with social groups will try and form a social group 
      • Dinosaurs capable of contesting leadership have an Alpha 
        • The leader is the dinosaur with the highest prestige
        • Certain dinosaur species can challenge the current leader to a leadership contest, if their prestige is higher than the current leader.
      • Dinosaurs that cannot contest will congregate in suitable social groups with a leader
    • Group factors are determined per species
    • Members of the group will try to follow their leader
    • Groups can merge if their member count is less than the maximum social size
    • Members of the group will try and sleep if their leader does so
    • The current needs of group members can be influenced by the Alpha's current needs
    • Alphas indicated in the dinosaur UI (for dinosaurs that can battle for leadership)
    • Groups will look for suitably sized areas to form up
    • Try to limit group members idle roaming too far from their leader
    • Group size can be affected by the alpha's social gene modifications
    • Group members will try and graze when their alpha does
    • Group members only socialize with other members of the same group
    • Group members try to flee towards their leader
  • Sleep behavior added 
    • Dinosaurs can sleep if they are healthy and happy


  • Dinosaur with specific gene modification
  • Sell a dinosaur with a specific gene modification
  • Get a dinosaur to a target infamy rating
  • Sell a dinosaur with a target infamy rating


Day/Night cycle options[]

  • Available automatically in Challenge and Sandbox modes
  • Unlocked alongside the preset options by five starring the campaign islands
  • Available by default on the Secrets of Dr. Wu islands
  • Added a cycle duration option

General Fixes & Tweaks[]


  • Fixed incorrect UI image for the Bar
  • Fixed existing incubation speed increase upgrades text to show the correct improvement values (the actual values have not been changed)
  • Fixed guests on the hotel roof not correctly facing the attraction they want to look at


  • "Attractions" is now "Guest Facilities" in 'Make money from attractions' contracts
  • Added contracts for photographing sleeping dinosaurs
  • Shelter Coverage contracts will no longer ask for >95% coverage as an objective


  • Added venom resistance for each dinosaur
  • Further optimizations for the dinosaur needs flood fill
  • Fixed dinosaurs not always being able to eat after a hunt
  • Stopped dinosaurs sometimes playing the HCL Exit animation when loading into a save file
  • Prevent editing terrain underneath ragdolled dinosaurs, to avoid physics and other knock-on issues
  • Enabled cycling between dinosaurs when the dinosaur is selected but the info panel is not open
  • Added the current number of species, the target number of species and the target total dinosaur rating to the management screen
  • Dead dinosaurs no longer contribute towards the visibility percentage, visibility counts or visibility contracts. However, their negative prestige is still taken into account
  • Changed the display of habitat area requirements: 
    • All comfort area values are now shown on a non-linear scale on the needs tab
    • All bars now have the same scale (0-35,000), so the current habitat areas should show the same for all nearby dinosaurs
    • The minimum required area is now displayed in the dinosaur's bio, rather than the "ideal" value, which was really just the displayed scale
    • None of this should affect habitat satisfaction in existing parks (unless dinosaurs with comfort genes are released)
  • Stopped dinosaurs eating from food that is being carried away by a transport helicopter
  • Re-balanced carnivores so dinosaurs have to be visibly hungry before they'll eat prey
  • Reduced instances of dinosaurs walking through fights as they begin
  • Fix for rare bug where the cause of death shows as "Died from healthy"
  • Further dinosaur audio polish
  • Various animation fixes and polish


  • Fixed some cut off occurring on music being played
  • Balanced various music types lengths


  • Screen space reflections improvements for PC


  • Fixed sandbox money resetting when loading a save file


  • Cleaned up template missions (contracts) from the game database when starting/loading a career
  • Added a save limit reached warning when there isn't any available space for a new save
  • Various stability fixes


  • Added double click for sell and extract fossils on PC
  • Added double click to save and load menus for PC
  • Fixed side panel not getting an update in rare timing bug in laboratory
  • Fixed failed mission fanfare showing wrong division symbol
  • Remember the active tab when cycling between dinosaurs or buildings
  • Prevent weird situations where it's possible to pause the game and bring up a UI prompt at the same time. e.g. when adding a new ranger team
  • Allow Help screens to be shown from the pause menu even if a hatchery exit sequence is currently in progress
  • Prevent various shortcuts from being usable when they're not supposed to be
  • Management bar mouse hit now works as expected when the prompt is up
  • Added a keyboard binding for activating the notification button
  • Fixed being able to show the Cancel Research dialog box at the same time as the research is completed


  • Pitch the camera upwards after leaving the first person monorail view, to avoid the camera sometimes coming to rest inside the monorail track
  • Fixed projectiles sometimes passing through things
  • Fix a case where the camera could end up under the terrain after exiting a helicopter well outside the park bounds
  • Various audio updates and fixes

