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A Qianzhousaurus! Neat! Really great that we're bringing back all these fast, hungry predators! Even better that I get to stay in the office with locks on the doors!

Qianzhousaurus is a genus of tyrannosaurid dinosaur in the Jurassic World Evolution series. Originating from Late Cretaceous Asia, it is related to the larger Tyrannosaurus and its elongated snout has earned it the nickname "Pinocchio rex".

Qianzhousaurus was a newly added species in the base game of Evolution 2, and its fossils can be excevated from the Nanxiong Formation.


Growing up to around 10 meters in length from head to tail, Qianzhousaurus is a medium sized tyrannosaurid, similar in appearance to its relatives Albertosaurus and Tyrannosaurus, though distinguishable by its elongated snout and significantly slender physique. Qianzhousaurus has a pair of spiky crests above their eyes as well as spikes running down its neck and torso.[1] Although its jaw is less powerful than larger Tyrannosaurids, its ability to run at speed makes Qianzhousaurus an efficient predator.



Qianzhousaurus is a sociable carnivore, preferring to live in small groups to avoid becoming stressed. However, they do not tolerate other carnivorous species entering their territory, which can lead to fights. However, if their environmental needs are met, they are a species which can be easily handled.[1]


One of the most recent dinosaur discoveries, Qianzhousaurus was discovered during the construction of an industrial park in Qianzhou, China, in 2010 by builders at the Nanxiong Formation.[1] The remains consisted of a number of vertebrae as well as multiple leg bones and a partial skull, which were sent for study by Chinese paleontologists including Junchang Lu and Laiping Yi, who named the new genus Qianzhousaurus in reference to the location of its discovery. The genus is named after the place it was discovered, though it has been nicknamed the "Pinocchio rex" due to the length of its skull in comparison to other tyrannosaurids.[1] Measuring between 6 and 9 m (20 and 30 ft) in length, standing 2 m (6 ft) tall at hips, and weighing over 772 kg (1,700 lb), Qianzhousaurus is closely related to Alioramus, a similarly built dinosaur from Mongolia which lived roughly at the same time. Until the discovery of Qianzhousaurus, Alioramus was often considered either a one-off shoot of the tyrannosaurs or a juvenile Tarbosaurus. Some palaeontologists have proposed that Qianzhousaurus is an adult form of Alioramus, as only juvenile specimens of Alioramus have so far been discovered. Compared with the contemporary Tarbosaurus, both Alioramus and Qianzhousaurus are lightly built and lacked powerful jaws. It is theorised that they filled a niche hunting smaller, faster prey such as Ornithomimosauria, smaller ornithopods and oviraptosaurs.


Qianzhousaurus lived in the Nanxiong Formation in China and other parts of Asia during the Late Cretaceous period, around 72 to 66 million years ago. This site has yielded a diverse array of primitive and advanced oviraptosaurs, which would have been the main prey source for Qianzhousaurus. Other dinosaurs found here include the therizinosaur Nanshiungosaurus, the sauropod Gannansaurus and undescribed genera of hadrosaurs and larger tyrannosaurs. Research has shown that its jaws were best suited to preying on small dinosaurs and lizards, with experts suggesting that it was one of the most effective predators of its period.

Behind the scenes

Qianzhousaurus was first revealed to be in Evolution 2 with the release of its Species Field Guide on August 18, 2021. This was accompanied by a short article exploring the species on the official Frontier forums.[1]



  1. ā†‘ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Smith, Tim. (August 18, 2021). Species Field Guide - Qianzhousaurus [Online forum post]. Frontier Forums. Retrieved August 18, 2021.

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