Dinosaur Behavior is the way in which dinosaurs act and interact in Jurassic World Evolution. Specific and General behavior statuses are shown through an indicator located at the top of their status menu and are often directly correlated with dinosaur requirements. Alphas and Social Groups were added with Update 1.5 while the poisoned status is exclusive to the Secrets of Dr. Wu DLC. Various other changes to behaviors and statuses have been implemented across nearly all major updates.
Alphas and Social Groups
The Alpha status is assigned to the dinosaur that is the leader of their social group. For dinosaurs that are capable of fighting, this is demonstrated through an overt icon while for dinosaurs that cannot fight, their Alpha status is hidden. The Alpha status is determined by a dinosaurs rating meaning that the dinosaur with the highest rating in a social group will be assigned this status. Once a dinosaur achieves a higher rating than another dinosaur with the Alpha status, this dinosaur will attempt to fight and usually take the Alpha status from them.
Social Group Behaviors
Dinosaur Social groups have a variety of associated behaviors mainly centered around the Alpha but also between each other. Social groups are always exclusive to a dinosaur's own species.
Group Behaviors:
- Group factors are based on the specifics, mainly the social requirements, of each species.
- Members of a group will try to follow their Alpha.
- A group will merge with another if their member count is less than their species maximum social size.
- Members of a group will try and sleep if their Alpha does so.
- The current needs of group members can be influenced by the Alpha's current needs.
- A group will look for suitably sized areas to form up.
- A group's members will be naturally inclined to stay close to or herd with their Alpha and general group.
- A group's size is affected by the Alpha's social gene modifications.
- A group's members will try and graze when their Alpha does.
- A group's members will only socialize with other members of the same group.
- A group's members will try to flee towards their leader.
Fighting and Combat
Fighting in Jurassic World Evolution is best divided into three unique types, Death Duels, Fights for Dominance and Territory, and Predatory. All Dinosaurs are capable of fighting other than ornithomimids, ornithopods (with the exception of Iguanodon), and sauropods who can only be preyed on.
Death Duels
Death Duels occur when a given dinosaur species' maximum population or social requirement has been exceeded or when 2 species of conflicting types come into contact. Death Duels are characterized by direct fighting between 2 species in which one or both deal damage to one another through a series of direct blows punctuated by roaring, positioning, and facing the other down. Ultimately this results in the death of the duel's loser who will have their health reduced to 1% where a specific kill animation will be inflicted on them depending on the species of the victor and loser respectively. The victor in a death duel is primarily determined by which species has higher combat stats than the other; when two species of similar combat stats duel, it is likely that they will fight one another to a standstill and disengage to recover and fight again later.
The specifics pertaining to which dinosaurs will engage in death duels with each other are as follows:
- All large or medium carnivores, such as Spinosaurus and Metriacanthosaurus, of different species or that have exceeded their social limit will fight with other large or medium carnivores.
- All small carnivores, such as Velociraptor and Troodon, of different species or that have exceeded their social limit will fight with other small carnivores.
- Indoraptor is uniquely capable of fighting all carnivores.
- All herbivores capable of fighting, such as Stegosaurus and Torosaurus, of the same species and that have exceeded their social limit, will fight one another.
- Small Carnivores will fight several herbivores, specifically including Pachycephalosaurus, Dracorex, Stygimoloch, and Iguanodon.
- Medium carnivores will fight Iguanodon.
All inter-species interactions not listed do not result in death duels.
Dominance and Territorial Fighting
Fighting for dominance and territory is similar to a death duel but stops short of reaching the phase in which both dinosaurs inflict damage on each other. For territorial fighting, once a species' group reaches their social limit but does not exceed it, if they are also capable of fighting, 2 members of a group will occasionally square up to one another but not directly begin trading blows. This same type of display will occur for dominance fights but is only initiated in the instance where a non-Alpha individual has achieved a higher rating than the current Alpha. Territorial fights will also occur between species that cannot engage in death duels such as Chasmosaurus and Proceratosaurus or Acrocanthosaurus and Deinonychus.
Predation occurs when ornithomimids, ornithopods, or sauropods are engaged in combat by a carnivore and since they are not capable of fighting, the carnivore will hunt them down and kill them through different animations depending on the prey and predator species respectively.
Only the largest carnivores are capable of hunting down Iguanodon without having to engage in a death duel. All sauropods are invulnerable to all forms of predation aside from the Indominus rex to which all sauropods are vulnerable. The Nigersaurus is an exception among sauropods in that it is vulnerable to all medium and large carnivores while the Homalocephale is an exception among Pachycephalosaurs in that it is vulnerable to predation from all carnivores. The Velociraptor is an exception among small carnivores in that it is vulnerable to predation by the Tyrannosaurus.
When a dinosaur is Tranquilized, it is possible for certain dinosaurs to kill them depending on the following criteria:
- All tranquillized small carnivores and non-sauropod herbivores can be killed by large or medium carnivores.
- In the case of small carnivores, this is the only way that large or medium carnivores are able to kill them.
- Small carnivores can kill small tranquillized herbivores.
- Herbivores cannot kill tranquillized dinosaurs of any kind.
Behavior Statuses
General Status
Note: A given dinosaur's most pressing general status will be shown over others meaning a dinosaur may have multiple general statuses at once.
Cause of Death
The Cause of Death status is an indication of how a dinosaur has died whether it be by disease or by being hunted down by another dinosaur.
Dinosaurs with the Content status are those whose comfort requirements have been adequately provided for and that have full health.
Dinosaurs with the Dehydrated status are those whose water requirement has reached a sufficiently low level as to actively harm the dinosaur and drain their health. Dehydrated dinosaurs should be provided water through the appropriate Landscaping tool.
The Healing status demonstrates that a dinosaur is healing from their wounds incurred through fighting or are recovering from the effects of starvation, dehydration, poisoning, or disease. While Healing a dinosaur's health will gradually increase to full. The speed at which a dinosaur heals can be increased through the Ranger Station.
Dinosaurs with the Hungry status are those whose food requirement has dropped below a certain threshold to where they urgently need food. However, this does not yet mean that they are actively losing health and they will not begin doing so until they reach the Starving status. Hungry dinosaurs should be provided food through the appropriate feeder for their diet.
Dinosaurs with the Lonely status are those whose social needs have not been adequately met. It is recommended to check a dinosaur's social requirement and breed the required number of a given species to fulfill this need.
Low Health
Low Health dinosaurs are those whose health has decreased below a certain threshold to the point where they have sustained a serious health loss through fighting, disease, etc. If a dinosaur's urgent needs are not satisfied at this point they will die. If satisfied, however, their health will gradually increase and this status will change to Healing once a certain health threshold has been reached.
Missing Forest
The Missing Forest status indicates that a dinosaur does not have sufficient amounts of forest in its enclosure which must be rectified with Landscaping tools.
Missing Grassland
The Missing Grassland status indicates that a dinosaur does not have sufficient amounts of grassland in its enclosure which must be rectified with Landscaping tools.
Missing Wetland
The Missing Wetland status indicates that a dinosaur does not have sufficient amounts of wetland, or water, in its enclosure, which must be rectified with Landscaping tools.
Dinosaurs with the Overcrowded status are those whose maximum social or population requirements have been exceeded. Dinosaurs with this status should themselves be moved or have excess dinosaurs removed from their enclosures. Dinosaurs that are capable of fighting will fight their own species to the death if an enclosure becomes overcrowded.
The Poisoned status is applied exclusively by the Troodon or Scorpios rex when it attacks another species of dinosaur. A poisoned dinosaur's health will gradually decrease over time until the poison either wears off or the dinosaur dies.
The Sick status will appear as "Sick: (Disease)" and indicates that a dinosaur has been afflicted by a disease and the disease type.
Dinosaurs with the Starving status are those whose food requirement has reached a sufficiently low level as to actively harm the dinosaur and drain their health. Starving dinosaurs should be provided food through the appropriate feeder for their diet.
Dinosaurs with the Thirsty status are those whose water requirement has dropped below a certain threshold to where they urgently need water. However, this does not yet mean that they are actively losing health and they will not be doing so until they reach the Dehydrated status. Thirsty dinosaurs should be provided water through the appropriate Landscaping tool.
Specific Status
The Agitated status occurs when a dinosaur's comfort level has dropped beneath a certain threshold in which they are then provoked into attacking fences and, by extension, harming guests. Providing for a dinosaur's requirements is the main way of alleviating agitation. Agitation based on time factors through island missions is common during Jurassic World Evolution's campaign.
Attacking Fence
Dinosaurs are given the Attacking Fence status while they are attacking a fence. Dinosaurs can only reach this status once they have also incurred the Agitated status and begin attacking fences.
Danger To Guests
Dinosaurs are given the Danger To Guests status once they have breached an enclosure fence and are now unrestrained and thus able to trample, eat, or kill guests.
Dead dinosaurs will be given the decaying status after a certain period of time following their deaths. This indicates that other dinosaurs will no longer eat from their corpse which will also soon despawn. Decaying corpses are more likely than regular dead corpses to cause a disease outbreak.
Dinosaurs are given the Dead status once their health has dropped to 0 through natural causes or having been killed.
Dinosaurs are given the Drinking status when they are drinking water.
Dinosaurs are given the Dying status when their health has decreased below a certain threshold as a result of disease, starvation, or dehydration. When given this status they will lay down into a coma-like state similar to Sleeping and be unable to provide for any further needs unless their health is increased above a certain threshold through artificial means such as the Ranger Station.
Dinosaurs are given the Feeding status when they are eating food.
Dinosaurs are given the Fighting status when they are engaged in a death duel or territorial fight.
Fighting For Dominance
Dinosaurs are given the Fighting For Dominance status during dominance fights.
Dinosaurs are given the Fleeing status during the animation in which they are being preyed upon.
Dinosaurs are given the Hunting status during the animation in which they are preying upon another dinosaur.
Looking For Food
Dinosaurs are given the Looking For Food status when their food need has decreased past a certain point.
Looking For Water
Dinosaurs are given the Looking For Food status when their water need has decreased past a certain point.
Dinosaurs are given the Panicking status to indicate that they are fearful of a nearby dinosaur. All herbivorous dinosaurs are afraid of certain sizes of carnivore aside from sauropods who only fear the Indominus rex. Small carnivores fear all large and medium carnivores.
Dinosaurs are given the Roaming status when they are not actively attempting to fulfill any need and are simply walking or wandering around. Herbivores will typically graze on the surrounding grassland when they have this status.
Dinosaurs that have fulfilled their comfort requirements and have full health are capable of occasionally given the Sleeping status. The Sleeping status results in a dinosaur laying down and going to sleep for a short period of time, most frequently at night. Sleeping was added in Update 1.5 and is not to be confused with the Dying status that is visually similar.
Dinosaurs are given the Socializing status when members of a given species interact with each other in certain ways. Socializing will result in a group of a given species standing around in a circle together and chirping, roaring, or hissing at each other. Only herbivores, small carnivores, Metriacanthosaurus, and Spinoraptor will socialize between themselves.
Dinosaurs are given the Tranquilized status when they have been shot by the dart gun of an ACU Center's helicopter. It is possible for certain dinosaurs to kill certain other Tranquilized dinosaurs.
- It is impossible for certain dinosaurs to acquire certain general and specific statuses as some are either incapable of performing them or have requirements with no minimum standard.